Balkan Reflections

This blog has been set up to assist in communicating with friends and family while we are in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Location: Ontario, Canada

Striving to a better day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Being the last day in November, this may also be our last day with internet, so I should do a blog, don’t you think?

It’s raining. We’re winding out trip down. Starting to pack, figuring out the fine points of the itinerary…that sort of thing.

I have really enjoyed my time in B-L. I’ve learned a lot, and I expect that after we return home (Dec 9th) I will realize more and more of what we’ve seen. So I might just keep blogging! Stay tuned…

I know that I’ve come away with a taste for travel. I hope to do it again sometime.
I’ve also come away with a greater appreciation of my Faith and its importance.

I have, I think, a clearer picture of the history of this area. I also know that there are huge blocks of the history here which do not seem to be well documented. I’ll have to keep looking.

I’ve also gotten to know our younger children better, and they, each other. We’ve had some fairly undistracted time together. It has also been really interesting to learn a language together with them and observe how we all learn differently.

I am sorry that dh will be here by himself at Christmas time, but I am also looking forward to seeing our eldest daughter and son again.

I look forward to seeing our friends again and putting this whole experience in perspective.

God Bless


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